“The Red Rooster” by Julia Wong Kcomt
“The Red Rooster” is a translation of “El gallo rojo,” a poem by tusán/Chinese Peruvian writer Julia Wong Kcomt from the collection Bi-rey-nato, which was published as a bilingual chapbook titled Vice-royal-ties in Ugly Duckling Presse’s Señal Latin American poetry series. This poem was published online on lyrikline. Translated from Spanish. Published bilingually. An earlier version of this translation is available at Words Without Borders.
lyrikline is an international website for experiencing the diversity of contemporary poetry. This project from the Haus für Poesie and its partners has established itself as an online cultural project, making poetry accessible and understandable for all, above and beyond national borders and language barriers. Until today, lyrikline has been visited by several million users from over 180 countries.
Tags: Julia Wong Kcomt, Vice-royal-ties, Spanish, Peru, verse, poetry, Asian diaspora, online